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Top 5 AI apps for Android OS These apps revolutionize mobile productivity with ChatGPT


AI Chat Open Assistant Chatbot

AI Chat Open Assistant Chatbot is a popular app on the Google Play Store, with over 10M+ downloads and over 341K reviews reviews averaging 4.4 stars

Ask AI advanced ChatGPT API Open Chatbot App anything and get instant answers. Chat with the most advanced AI!
With the advanced ChatGPT API, enjoy a personalized and conversational experience with your Chatbot AI personal assistant. The intuitive and user-friendly interface of ChatGPT API makes it easy to interact with and get informative responses to your questions.

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ChatOn – AI Chat Bot Assistant

ChatOn is an AI app for Android that has been downloaded over 1M  times. It uses ChatGPT’s latest GPT-4 model to power its functionality. The app can check spelling and grammar and summarize dense text for easier comprehension, making it a useful study tool. Users can also enter text and ask the AI ​​system to improve the structure of the text to make it clearer and smoother.

For those using social media or for business purposes, ChatOn also offers features that enhance authenticity and impact on your audience. This includes tools to help create posts and pitch ideas. Other additional features of the ChatOn platform include support for coding and solving math problems, writing cover letters and presentations, and composing emails.

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Aico – Your AI Chat

Aico is another AI tool powered by ChatGPT and uses the GPT 3.5 model. Unlike some other AI tools, Aico does not rely on an internet connection, making it a convenient mobile option for mobile users. However, this can lead to some inaccuracies for time-critical queries. Aico stores the last 1,000 words of the current conversation, making it a powerful option for back-and-forth interactions on the go.
Aico can also check and improve grammar and spelling, translate and summarize input text, and even provide suggestions for completing queries to improve your writing. The app has been downloaded over 500,000 times and has an impressive average rating of 4.6 stars out of nearly 17,000 user reviews. This is a testament to the quality of the tool and its usefulness to users.

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Chatsonic – AI Chatbot

ChatSonic claims to be “the best ChatGPT alternative” and makes use of GPT-4 capabilities to overcome ChatGPT’s platform’s drawbacks. Because ChatGPT is not updated with the most recent internet resources, queries about events or timelines after 2021—the most recent data used in AI training—will receive inaccurate responses.
ChatSonic is a versatile addition to an Android device because it can respond to voice commands, produce digital art and stylized painting outputs, and generative text.

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Alissu: Chat with AI

Alissu is an AI app for Android that uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT-3.5. It has the usual AI features like summarizing text, answering questions, and correcting grammatical errors.
Nonetheless, Alissu goes past the rudiments by offering extra highlights like language interpretation, explicitly from English to French, Spanish, and Japanese, making it a helpful instrument for voyagers. It can likewise get a handle on unstructured information and create classified yields from long text blocks, permitting clients to coordinate and comprehend the data in different information organizes without any problem.

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